Sunday, October 18, 2009

New words in the English language..brought to you by young, confused foreign students!

Below, for your English dictionary pleasure, are words that are being spoken and written by students who are trying to use this language. These words have appeared on tests, quizzes and other tools used to gauge whether or not a student can use the word functionally.

Idiocratic- a word used to describe a person who is completely incapable of doing anything while claiming to work for a large government agency. Ex- He's so idiocratic, it's beyond me why they don't fire his butt!

Innovention- this is a word used to describe something that has been thought of, brought to life, and then bought up by Microsoft. Think of your own example, there's a ton of them!

Dramastic-a word used to describe a drama queen.
Ex-Oh, god, why is she so dramastic, I mean, really! Can't she just get a grip!

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