Monday, September 21, 2009

Chinese English ....or Chinglish

Sometimes my students are just plain more expressive and creative with my own language.
I have moments of pure awe....and some moments of pure confusion, but mostly of awe.

I was teaching a Reading and Writing class and the assignment was "Please write a paragraph about our program and how it will help you in your quest for a masters degree." I got the standard paragraph response- To make the life better, So I can learn the English more to make the job. The best response, hands down, was from a very distracted student, later I learned why he was so distracted. His response was typical, but he ended his creative writing exercise with "I hope I am able to complete my program and meet my destiny girl."

Wow, destiny girl! Immediately I thought "why don't English speakers talk like that"? How romantic, how gooey, with sappy love drippings hanging off these words...destiny girl! My next question was, why aren't I someones destiny girl? I came home that night and read it to my companion. He immediately agreed that, yes, our language doesn't give us gals props and two, he would adopt this new way of speaking when he addressed me into our every day language.

Now, thanks to this student, I am now know as my companion's Destiny girl!

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