Monday, September 28, 2009

Cause and Effect Essay Writing-Not what you think it is!

I like to give my students the freedom to choose the topics they are going to develop into an essay. This, I feel, gives them more control, keeps them interested in what they are trying to do, and generally, I'm happy to report, it works.

The cause and effect essay that we were getting ready to write was going to be tackled by one of my more modest students, who was painfully quiet, but seemed to enjoy class. I received his first rough draft, and proceeded to have a darn good belly laugh. His topic was "Why Couples Divorce" and as every red blooded American knows, there are too many reasons to actually list. His take on the whole mess wasn't revolutionary, per se, but it was amusing. He stated...and I quote " Many divorce take place because of the sexy life". After I read that, I said to myself wow, it IS because of the sexy life! After all, there are grown men running around this planet conducting booty calls and then they are getting dragged into court and roundly divorced, because of the sexy life. Internet adultery is on the rise because of the sexy life! More problems arise because of the sexy life!

It took everything within me to sit him down during our conference and correct his English. I secretly wanted him to keep the language and continue with it, but I knew that would just be plain wrong and a bit too selfish. So, the sexy life was corrected. It then read, "many couples divorce because of the lack of a healthy sex life." Booorriinngggg!!!

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