Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Honeymoon....and its lasting effects

 The fall semester just started this past week. I cleared off my desk, recycled all materials I didn't need, dusted and stacked the books I would be using for the "new semester".  Every semester it is the same. It's a right of passage for us as teachers.  We are starting all over again, with all new students. Everything in the past IS the past, it's gone, forgotten, banished to the garbage bin.  We have clean, new notepads, updated versions of our classroom text that has that new book smell to them.  We have new rules by administration, some of us get new office space.  Most of us will buy a new outfit or two, and spruce it up with a new scarf, or a new pair of shoes.  New means something to us, it is a chance to be the shining beacon of hope you once considered yourself to be, that teacher who would stay for hours after class explaining a concept until the student understood.  We view ourselves as new, ready to be that new person in this young persons life who has something to impart to them.  God, what a great word.

In short, it's a honeymoon.  We love it, we bask in it, we revel in it and we hope that the honeymoon will last at least for a few weeks, till some sort of reality starts to creep into the classroom.

Until then, I'm in love and I'm on a honeymoon.....
Happy Fall everyone!

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