Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer Finale and Final thoughts

The summer progressed and much to my surprise, so did my fatigue.
I had not realized that teaching was so draining. I had always approached it with such a happy, carefree feeling, it didn't occur to me that it could beat me down. The final days of the semester were upon us. The students were exhausted and had checked out, so had I.

The last class came and my assigned presentations were due to begin. These are tense times for students, many coming from backgrounds that never allow students to ask questions in class, let alone present material, as if they knew what they were talking about! I had several students get up and talk about the same cultural icons of Chinese culture; tea, the knots, more tea, silk, still more tea, and various cheap goods the Chinese have gotten really good at producing en masse.

One student, in particular, surprised us all, by presenting an aria from an Chinese opera. He opened his mouth and the interesting sounds that came out, I must admit, I have never heard before. He was a tremendous singer, with depth and passion coming from his toes! The students clapped along and knew his song well. After his performance, he bowed and received an amazing round of applause. His smiles were bright and crisp, as if he had been waiting for this moment his whole life. As they filed out the door, and said their goodbyes, I knew I would never see these students again, for they tend to melt into the larger mass of students that is the university body.

I had learned something from this group of students. Many wait their whole lives for a chance to shine and I must be the one to give it to them. I can bring them out of their shell, give them a voice, give them the notion that they matter. Culturally, this is not acceptable where they come from, but it is crucial that they learn this here in America. And I'm just the American to give them their big chance!

Next up, vacation and Fall semester 2008, here we come!

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