Sunday, August 5, 2012

Everyone Gets an A in China!

It is the end of the semester and as usual, I am trying to avoid having conversations with people who do not understand our grading system.  It is almost impossible to try and explain to someone that in America you actually have to do several things to get a good grade: showing up for class is one, actually doing the required work is another. Contributing to class in a meaningful way and talking to the professor are huge as well.  Perhaps even writing down an occasional note in your notebook, instead of taking pictures with your Iphone of the board (sigh).

The last day of class, I got locked into a conversation with a student. He was trying to tell me that he really deserved to pass this class with an A.  I told him A's are really not given out, they are earned, to which he promply replied "We all get A's in China-to which I promptly replied "An A actually means something in America. It means you are exceptional, you did the work in a manner that was superior to others.  He just stood there, with this ridiculous look on his face.  "I'm exceptional" he said. I almost laughed in his face. I proceeded  " If "exceptional" means late homework, falling asleep in class, late projects and not one page of notes taken in nine weeks, why then, yes, you are exceptional." I smiled, picked up my bad and left. The nerve.

The semester has ended. There were no A's, no surprises there.  Everyone gets A's in China, or so I'm told.  Funny, all those A students are merely C- students here, I wonder what an A in China REALLY means!

I'm off for the rest of summer, I will return on Sept 5th.